Acronyms | Sex Acronyms | ATL Codes | Emoticons

MEME's List of Acronyms:

Sex Acronyms

AF - Aunt Flo - Menstrual Cycle
AP - Affair Partner
BD - Dondage Discipline
BJ - blow Jobs
BOB - Battery Operated BoyFriend/Buddy
DILF - Daddy I'd Like to Find-in-my-bed/Fantasize-about
DS - Domination And Submission
D/s Dom(me)/Sub
EA - Emotional Affair
ED - Erectile Disfunction
FWB - Friends With Benefits
HL - High Libidos
HUH - Hard-Up Husband
HUW - Hard-Up Wife
IC - InterCourse, or Individual Counseling
ID - inner dom(me)
LL - Low Libidos
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LOE - Lost Of Erection
MILF - Mother I'd Like to Find-in-my-bed/Fantasize-about 
MOSS - Memeber Of Same Sex
MOT - Man On Top
OR - Open Relationship
OW/OM - Other Woman/Other Man
PE - Premature Ejaculation
PG - Pregnant/Pregancy
PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
PPD - Post-Partum Depression
RC - Reverse Cowgirl
SAK - Sex After Kids
SM - Sadism and Masochism
SMS - Secrets of Married Sex
SO - Significant Other
STBX - Soon To Be EX (NSETBX Not Soon Enough To Be Ex)
SW - Safe Word
VAS - Vasectomy
VB - Vaginal Birth
VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
WOT - Woman On Top